kalo ade pobem,aku x reti citer ngn org..juz diam n think . think . think....mudah2n ALLAH bg petunjuk...aku syg kat dier..tapi tu lh.so far die ssh sgt nk jd pendengar yg setia...pendengar segala2nye la bg aku..sape pun dier,aku ttp sygkn dier..n aku rasakan jodoh kami sgt kuat-my instinct say like dats..juz follow n pray to ALLAH..
mode : cedihh
smlm sedih sgt2..gaduh ngn bucuk =( ..geram btol la..lain yg aku ckp, lain yg dia phm..so miss communication,maklum la everything tru sms..so msti byk yg slh phm..(try to be +ve)..aku x de niat pun nk lupe sgala ape yg dia da buat,aku igt dr a smpe z..tp nk wat cmner dia da slh fhm..so,x tau la ahad ni jd jmpe ke x..geram btol la ngn dia nih,,x tau nk say ape tang dia..yg pnting mood aku rini x bgitu stabil..
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bfast my mum cekodok..sdap giler!! - smlm bucuk tnye smada aku nk bwk kete die blik or not.tapi aku dcide x yh la cz aku g keje snng naik muto sbb smapi cpt.tapi pg td aku nyaris2 nk jatuh cz x perasan blakang ade moto.nasibla moto tu x lggr aku.huhu..pg2 msej kt bucuk say bout aku nk guna kete. then dia kta ok la.so dis week kite jumpe yerk. bucuk ajak g teman tgk wayang citer 2012 tuhh..aku on jekk..tapi dia kna dtg cni la.tp mslhnye dia soh aku g bp.nk tgk kat bp. nth pape jekkk..
in few hours..k.maya got called from che halim ( JB KPDNKK Director ), he want to visit here rite now!!..oh GOD!, all of us ape lg kelam kelibut lew..bukan hape meja masing2 pnuh dgn nth pape jekk.in few minutes,che halim pun dtg... ore kelate ghupenye..nice person n look like dad style la..ok la.
lunch hour..mamam telo masak lomak n buncis goreng.nyum2!!..mak msk mmg cedap!.rini keje x byk sgt juz kol SUK n KPMNJ jek pg td. then ape lg tugas rasmi djlnkn la. iaitu mengintenetkan diri. rini mood ngntok menyerang diri la..menguap jek keje..bile lank dpt keje yg btol2 keje nih...huhu...
buhsan tahap gaban!!!!!
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rini x de story sgt.juz spt ari2 biasa..g keje lewat ckit rini around 7.30 n smpai tmpt keje dlm kol 7.50..al-maklum la i skang da pkai moto. pagi2 da smile to sumbody -->kat akk koperasi bwh,dia mmg rajin menegur n senyum. then naik opis bukak tenet cam biasa la.ermm,alhamdulillah da dpt slip gaji. syukur sgt2. so,loan progress msti sukses.alhamdulillah..
o yerk! the best part today is got calling from pn halijah (MKM pendaftar), she say that all programes held on dicember will be cancelled coz KSU n menteri kna attend persidangan parlimen..dlm hati yihaaaaaaa!!!!...((x tau what for so happy))...thats program will postpone on next january so org jb juz tepon all cmpny yang anto quotation talk bout that la.easy jobs!! dlm hati terlintas gak yg kusus msti ade dlm dis month or next month. "Mampukah aku menggalas tanggungjawab ini??" ---> the answer is ""YES, I DO!!"..i must be confidents coz i've been here n have to take it as responsibility..chaiyok!
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semalam punye cerita...
pas subuh tolong my mom masak nasi lomak..tapi everything da siap..juz tolong godak nasi lomak nye n rasa,mak aihh tawaq hebek..so,juz tolong ltak air garam..pastu tletak garam byk pulok..huhu..masin ckit lew..huhu..
then,g kubor,miss them so much,,,balik jek umah menunggu kdtgn tersayang (my busyuks)..my lovely person coming la..miss him so much,,aktiviti kite org smlm best sgt,memula g jakel bli bju nikah then g tgk wayang citer papadom n mlm dinner wif my family kat restoren my friends..servis yg best,cepat n mknn sedap hrga pon ok..
ermmm,,terasa cepat sgt masa blalu..da pun mlm,time my busyuk to back home..cedih sgt2..huhu..pg nnt dia g dungun n ayah nye coz nk amik adik dier abis blaja..rasa mcm nk itot tp kijoo..huhu..sedih sgt nk bpisah smlm..yeler,kite org susah nk jmpe la..jd rasa mcm syg sgt2..mmg la syg..(ssh nk justify la)...
smlm plak,bucuk amik kete dier so aku guna balik la muto lg pun poses apply kete is in progress..tgh tggu slip gaji..
PAGI TD..g keje naik muto, best giler rasa free n rasa mcm idup kt key ell dolu2..the best part bile x lg mengharungi jem yg mcm nk mampus tuhh...love much!

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x g pun kotaraye cz mar domam..so,x pe lah juz stay kat opis edit blog etc..lgpun ahad bucuk nk dtg so leh la g ngn dier..mkn td sedap giler,my mom msk selar kuning msk smbl lada hidup n sawi cina goreng tomato..nyum2222..cedap btol..x pnah nasi abis..ni abis plak,mgkin tgh lampor kott....
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alhamdulilah...gaji telh pun masuk..my first salary officially..hopefully ape yg drancang mnjadi..gaji bulan ni tertumpu nk blnje2 org..nk amik keberkatan la ktakn..
smlm g persada ngn mar cz ade metrojaya sales..brg x de la byk sgt tapi ade la yg 1 2 bkenan dhati..plan nk g bli cadarnye..cntik n murah la gak..bli ngn bucuk ahad nih..since rini da masuk gaji so rehat ni nk bjln ke kotaraya la..nk bli mcm2..heeh..the most important nk bli present for my laling,da postpone almost a year tuhh...
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51109 :: muning post
rini keje cm biasa la..ngadap tenet jekk..smpai opis around 7.45am..smpai jek opis k.nani say wanita baru da sampai (magazine la yopp)..smpai2 jek opis rasa cm nk tkucil..ni penangan teh susu mak aku la nih (teh susu paling dasat dan sedap di abad inih) -( love u mom!!)...then trus on laptop n tenet..ade notis kat facebook..open jek tgk fadilah want to add me..wat?? fadilah tahir la..huhu...my best fren during form 1 to 3 at SMKBBU..xcited giler...actually lama dah aku nk cari dier nihh..teringat zaman skolah dulu...grup kite org ade 6 tau..ala2 gagak hitam la..hkhikhik.. me,fadilah,ezza,fazlina,zila n dalilah....a very sweetest memory with them,,,since aku pindah teknik azizah..aku lost cntact da dgn dorg..unless zila la cz aku dok 1 kmpg ngan dier..i love them so much n miss that moment all the time..bile la nk jmpa kn..
damn!!! mood aku terus berubah la beb cz check kat cimbclicks gaji x masuk lg..kuang3...da baper hb da nih..huhuh..smlm UTA kol kta gaji da msuk n on midnight da leh amik...happy sakan la kite org..lagi2 mar..cian dier..skali pg2 nih x msuk pape beb..huhu...bongang da nih..rasa mcm nk bakar je MKM...(wak lu!!!)...hopefully esok da msuk cz ade sales metrojaya kat persada la..aku nk soping make up nih....hakhakahak...(bucukku x sbr nk tgk muka aku bmake up)...
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gaji x masuk lg la..damn!!..aku da x sabr2 nk shopping tahap gaban nih..list of shopping da berzaman buat..huhu..lmbp gak HQ wat keje kn..ermm,pape jek la..da nk masuk ke berapa belas kali dah aku check kt cimbclicks...amaun stil the same..hopefully get the salary b4 dis friday cz ahad da promise kat family nk banje makan..tmpt x sure g coz along nyer kijo mncari tmpt..kire keje aku juz ngulo je la..
smlm g paso kipmart,so x dpt nk msej ngn bucuk..cian dier...tuptup dia kata bdn dia gigil cz cm nk dmam..nk ikotkn rini die cuti tapi tmpt die ade selection ayam,so he have to worked la..cian dier..last word die,"kn besh syg ade kt sblh picit palak"...meremang bulu roma aku..hakhak..rasa mcm nk tawen plak..bukan hape,aku ssh hati la gak dier sakit sensorg (mak n ayah dier dok melaka)...die dok ngn nenek dier tp nenek dier da ala2 nyanyok la gak...cian dier,,x pe lah dis weekend nk jmpe dier..nk ajak dier tgk papadom la...mar kta besh jekk,ketawa smpai putus usus tuhh..
miss u like crazy!!
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fully of hopes
da lama giler x update my blog..bz+tenet x dak+malas+runsing x dak kijo = all the reason forget a while with this site...skrg da ade kijo n kijo x dak lg,so leh la updated2 citer dlm blog..as a way to release tension hopefully...
now, my life in jb..start keje on 5th octo, till now,kje x baper membebankn n x mncabar lg..juz relax n happy2 jekk..maklum le..bos x dtg lg..pulak tu ni cwgn baru..all people are new..kat cni ade 4 staf..me,maya,mar n nani...so far all of them, ok jek..cume one of them yg agak skema la..tapi x pe la..(kdg2 rasa buhsan gaks-everything is no!!)..kire nye org ni jd plengkap la...nobodys perfect rite..
here,some pictures captured by husband k.maya..very nice...(pro da)

some of books borrowed from HQ - i've to studies la wehhh...huhu
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