
Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Our Heroin

Lilypie First Birthday tickers



fanta6 [born to be a winner!!!]

:: competition yg kami organize..tiup belon n identified the flag in a ballon. paling x tahan muka jannah [ malay gurl yg pkai bju kurung tuhh ] and sape nth nama dier nih [ chinese gurl yg pkai baju ijo blakng jannah tuhh ] kelako giler muke...nasib la x mnang[kihkihkihkih]

:: time nih mcm closing ceremony tabik kat encik said yg tersengih tuuuu ::

pas abis present kite org bgambo..a few gambo bgegar [e!!! gelam tau]

muka dorg nih tersirat tol [ faham ke x faham or tido eaaaa]

love much dis pic..heheh..nasib la che yam ade..

aku tgh blagak confident..pada hal kpala lutut mcm nk tkeluar [ serious wehhh ]

love olso dis pic but gegarrrr..huhu... [ wan nih x leh pkai la ]

opening ceremony...en said tgh ber eksen merasmikan...after that dia dikalungkan dgn munga...hihii...mcm kat hawaii la...dier pkai munga tuh smpai blik..hihih...kelaka la awk nihhhh

ni lah grup fanta6..tapi ziha x de..hhuu...tgh mngkp gambo kott...
[left : ida, n wan]



salam takziah buat k.nana...

al-fatihah buat ayah k.nana yang telah kembali ke rahmatullah pada jumaat, 20mac09...diharap k.nana bersabar dan meredhakan pemergiannya...semuga aruwah berada dikalangan orang2 yang beriman..amin.



softskills group...

action jek lebih nihhh...

from left :: k.diana,k.ina,huda,iza and yam..

[dorg sume single n available..excluded me n yam]

love this apple gtuhh..

me yg x sedia .. [ sja jek candid nihh ]


not finish yet....[[the story of fanta6]]

some pictures in preparations for presentation [rahsia kemenangan kott!!]
salah tu gni wat awan....hikhik

ke'busy'n kami terserlah

ziha blajo wat awan ngn wan

btol x kami mmg busy...kamera tgkap pun x pasan

yam x abis2 soh telek taik lalat dier..hikhik lah gambo2 time nk wat persediaan IBM...mcm nk g bperang...huhu...kite org dpt tugas decoration dewan ngn tgkap kapal terbang ..dats y memasing blajo wat awan..ade matahari lg u...hihi...actualy,ni tugas2 consortium for that presentation..thnks to 5FM n consortiun has 3 groups...n fanta6 is a winner...


love much this moments

ade seri pengantin x dorg nihh??
pssssttt[[jemput la ke PD 1 mei nih]]
wat2 knai jekk...
-k.nana n pojan-
asu yg tanpa isa nye n kak nora...[[sabtu ni asu la yg tunang wehh]]

me n cuk after finish my kusus tawen at zuras akademik...

Lots of meeting...

hev the meeting on this week n becoming weeks..
1] meeting with mr said to discuss preparation for GALA
2] meeting with group representative for GALA olso
3] meeting with leadership members group
4] meeting with my committe for GALA olso
5] and many more events awaiting for me....

hahhaa...kekonon jd org penting fact, this happen in my ok for long is not feel to burden to far,really enjoy to do all this..maklumla,,da last semester...its teach me a lot guys..ermm..x sabaq nk tggu this bucuk dtg la...coz sabtu asu tunang...kat kuala kubu baru...plan2 blik tu nk singgah fraser kottt...hihihi....


virus IBM

CONGRATS TO ME...CONGRATS TO FANTA6..quite suprise with the announcement by mr said...''the winner for this consortium is....FANTA6!!!..alhamdulillah..all this from GOD right.,the next presentation will be on 13 april...compete with others 7 grup..huhuu...whatever, juz do the best!!! [[we know we are the best]]]....

oh ya!! my sijil kusus kawen already taken by nana..thankz ya!! da bleh kawen nih..hakhakahak....citer tang kusus kawen nih...i'm suggested to u all that zuras akademik is the best place la..ustat2 dier sempoi giler..trus trg tu..hihihihi....dorg tu bukan calang2 org lak tuh...some of them is ex pengarah jakim, imam masjid negara,pengarah kesihatan n many more la...

bak kta my mum...''baguih dok ade''...

IBM lagiiii

huarghhhh...ngantok tapi keje x dapt siap...jam da kol 2:05am...huhu...yam tslh anto tpksa tggu sok pg...quite nervous to present on tomolow...but juz be the positive ones..i know, i can do more!!, i've sms with my bucuk..hehe...has 3 days i'm juz igonare poor..whatever,he is still the best for me...alhamdulillah everything was fine..thnkz activity go to isa cousin wedding..jd peneman asu la kirenyee...hihihih..


IBM matters

love all this pict!!! its present IBM subject..its stand for international business management...ermmm...actualy td haku da tulis pnjg lebo tang subjek nih..tetiba pc hang terus x de mood nk tulis...k daaaaaaaaaaaaa

::ACTUALY:: blog aku yg kedua...yg firstly as a private dsbbkn alasan2 yg bole dterima blog sja nk happy2..bak spt nma blog ni la...sja nk show off..heheh..everybody like to show off..tol x???dsmaping tuh dpt la aku nk luahkn or sharing sumting to everybody else..
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