The title say it all
After 7months ++ the result is Positive
Thank You Allah
Thank You Parents n PIL
Thank You Frens
Thank You All's
Thank You for keep praying for us.
13 January 2012 : Friday
Dis week quite tired coz outstation from 10 to 12 January,but juz around JohorAccording to calendar, supposely period shud be last week or dis week
FYI, period saya tak regular ...29-36 (Jauh kan gap nyer!)
But dalam hati x mau pikir sgt
tapi pikir jugak. hahaha
Sebabnya setiap bulan akan gelabah nk beli UPT
Dis time mcm 50-50 nak beli .
Balik dari outstation, ari jemaat as usual time rehat pegi berambu
And instinct utk beli UPT sgt kuat ok! (Dari dulu sama jek)
Then g Angsana bsama officemates
Masuk Watson. grab 2 UPT, coz ade promo.
2 UPT for 8.80 .
Balik2 office as usual, tak menyabo nk mengetest! hahaha
Test2 ...... its POSITIVE!
Huh?????? Dalam toilet menggelabah sensorang. hahaha
Tak moh bagi tau sape2. ekekekeke.
Terus SMS Hubby
" B, Syg Pregnant!!"
-Kalaulah Hub ade depan mata mmg da berpeluk sakan. ngeeeeee
"Eh, mana tau?"
-Then Hubby call, maka statlah dialog2 teettttttt.... heeheh
Tapi Hubby mcm x puas ati coz x test sama2 ngn dia, seb baik i beli 2 UPT. heheheh
And as usual setiap Jumaat mmg i balik Muar
Dis time kepulangan i memanglah dinanti2kan oleh Hubby. hahaha
Caring lain macam. hahaha. Sorry B. XD
Tapi pepagi esoknya barulah buat test ke 2. Its POSITIVE .
He's juz smiling to me ,,,,,
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1st test : Line agak kabur coz i test around 3pm and HCG level stil low. |
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2nd round of test . Tested pepagi buta. So the double line terang lagi bersuluh! |
15 January 2012 : Sunday
Hubby amik cuti .
Kami g clinic utk confirmation
Doctor tak dapat nk kira da bape minggu coz period i x regular
So, Doc bg choice nak scan atau tidak
Tapi i eksaited terlebey sudah coz nk jugak scan n nasib baik hubby kata OK!
Scan punye scan, Doc kata x nampak lg.
Tapi rahim da ade tanda pregnant
Doc advice dtg 3 minggu lagi utk scan
And bila dapat gambar da bole buat buku merah (I cakap Pink)
Then kami terus balik JB as usual.....Hubby happy je.....
My mom reaction , biasa2 je sbb ni bukan cucu pertama ...hehehe.
And I sangat2lah kekok how to inform them ya? hahaha
My MIL reaction , sangat2 hepy coz cucu pertama. hehehe
Ape pun, semua harap yg terbaik....
Berkat nasihat dan doa dari family n kawan2.
And, ingat tak entry i tentang mengurut n acid folic kat SINI ?
Mungkin ini adalah jalan yang ALLAH beri untuk mempermudahkan jalan kami.
Thank You ALLAH.
tahniah.....semoga Allah permudahkan perjalanan preggy anda.... =)
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