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Foto By Razali : Wedding Photography Giveaway contest

source: Foto By Razali –

pe yg dlm pale korg bile tgk ini gambar??
sangat menarik bukan??
menarik,tertarik, razali mmg d'bom!!

1st of all, i would like to thnkz to Mr Razali a.ka my official photography for my special day nnt.
x sangka laks ade contest yg menarik mcm nih dan yg penting dapat mengurangkan beban para2 pengantin.
*nk kawen nih byk bdget woooo*
kepala mmg sakit.
makan ubat KK pon lom tntu baik.haks!

hocay2, since dis contest required me to give some listing about razali works,
so, i will.

actually, below listing will answer "why i'm choose razali" equal to "why i like his photography"

source: Foto By Razali –
beliau suke amik peluang sebanyak yg mungkin untuk menterjemahkan idea2 beliau dlm gambar2 beliau. terbaek!!

source: Foto By Razali –
best part, location outdoor yg beliau shoot sgt2 menarik ye, n we cant realize dat the places is in Malaysia. *believe it or not?*

source: Foto By Razali –
kreatif!! sgt2 kreatif coz most of his pictures will make us think bout " cmner la si razali nih amik gambo nih?" " macamtulah - kata incik razali"

actually sy survey geng2 seangkatan razali nih, n finally i choose him, because his works different n really interesting wokk!! *begitu memikat hatiku - bukan razali ye, tapi gambar2nya* ehheeheh

source: Foto By Razali –
byk candid shoot -- sy paling suke!! suke giler!
source: Foto By Razali –
photographer yg rajin - coz dr gmbar2 nye dia mesti byk arah2 pengantin itu ini - bagus la! coz pengantin biasanya akan hilang fokus nk bgambar coz ade 'bnda' lain dalam pale otak derang. pengantin akan juz follow wat photographer ask for. *sbb ade photographer yg x rajin nk arah itu ini tau*

source: Foto By Razali –
the way beliau shoot the scene. Gambarnye sgt natural, n it tell everything.

source: Foto By Razali –
last but not least , dlm byk2 photographer, razali nih la yg pages dia penoh dgn gmbar isteri kesayangnnya. *sayang bini beb* senang keje dgn org mcm nih.

okei. finish!! alasan2 di atas adalah benar semata2 dan ikhlas dr hati sy nih.
kenapa?? x caye??? juz klik here.

(after edited) hahha,,piza sengal! punyelah xcited smpai trlupe dgn TnC dis contest

sory ya incik razali..
Bride & groom name : afizah dan eddie anuar
Location : skudai kiri, jb Johor
date of the events : 9 Julai 2011


  1. Hey Piza, thanks for this cute entry. Anyway, you need to provide these details along with your comment on my blog post: Bride & groom name, Location & date of the events.

    Thanks again!

  2. Oh rupenye you dah book saye. Hehe.. Ok now I get it.

  3. ehhee..agak dah,,u mesti lupe. coz i booked u by phone. eheh..


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