alhamdulillah..3 thn bgelar student UM..hopefully an august i will be graduates. now, tgh sibok mncari kijo..unfortunately,so far yg haku mntak sume nk trnskrip final yr result..what to do? mybe i would apply for unofficially..tu pun hamek masa gak.fening...x po,,skrg nih aku plan nk cri part time jek,alhamdulillah next week will start.dkat dgn mak!! yeh22!!..kna cari nakfah nih tok dblnjakn di pulau langkawi..hihi..early july i 'll be there!!!...
long time no stories here..
4th May 2009...the 2nd last paper for final yr in UM..last paper will be on 6th May..x sabaq da nk abish nihh..hopefully ape yg haku n si dia plan akan dimakbulkn oleh -NYA...but some of the plan has been disturbed so kna plan blik..hahaha..ape nih plan2..mcm nk hape la..hihi..nama pun haku..mmg gelabah smcm..hal kicik tapi nk plan beso2...[woit!! plan ape nih??!!!] hihi...yg pasti bukan tang kawen ye..tapi pasal hari2 yg akan dtg nih...mna nk test jpj,pindh umah,intvw and so on. hari nih jwb exam mmg all out, mna x nyer soklan awl2 da dpt..hihi...just give the best n confident A's in hand..che wah!! opss..this is some pict nk sharing..happen on 1st May k.nana n sweet n berseri pengantin nih..lets,check it out!!!
me n asu otw g giant bt caves..mncari present tok nana..spesel tuuu
bdua lbih baik..hikhik..otw g umah nana..jln jem nk #%$^%&...
g umah nana x sah kalo x snggah PD..hehe..tapi kali nih aku x cecah pun dgn bucok tepi sweet!
yg ponat naip
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